What is “Buddhist Recovery” ?

What are the Defining Characteristics of Buddhist Recovery?
Disclaimer! “My views and opinions are simply that; views and opinions. They are subject to change over time; and they are not necessarily the Truth.”
Kevin Griffin, Noah Levine, Vimalasara and myself each had about 10-minutes to share our thoughts on ‘Buddhist Recovery’. But that’s not enough time!
In short, for me, ‘Buddhist Recovery’ is an embodied intentionality (Sajja) intrinsically linked to ethically-focussed mindfulness (Sati). But watch the video(s) on the Buddhist Recovery Summit channel and see what you think.
The latest version of the ‘Hungry Ghost booklet’ can be downloaded here >>
From Hungry Ghost to Being Human – Waking Up to this Life (PDF)
This short booklet is a work-in-progress and is intended primarily as a hand-out at Hungry Ghost Retreats, and secondly as a handbook for the Fifth Precept Sangha. I’m trying to keep the booklet to 40-pages in length as I have to consider the conciseness and relevance of the content, as well as the cost of printing!
Related pages :
There is no such thing as Buddhist Recovery!
The Truth about Buddhist Recovery.