01 December 2023 Manuel Antonio

I headed for the Waterfall Trail which meandered off the main routes to the beaches. At just after 7 am the forest was still waking up and the animal noises were wondrous. As the sun rose, I progressed deeper into the forest and further away from other hikers, a quietude descended. By the time I reached the waterfall, the forest was like a church or temple, I stood in silent awe. 

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30 November 2023 Quepos (again)

The bus was 5-minutes late which was handy as I had misread the timetable. It’s an older type bus rather than a coach, and all the windows are open but it’s not uncomfortable. In fact, as we speed along the coast road with the Pacific Ocean in view, I feel a great sense of well being and gratitude. This is very different to the journey I experienced on the opposite journey just a few days ago!!!

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23 November 2023 Uvita

I started to walk the route that takes 4 minutes in a car and 40 minutes on foot. I just kept putting one foot in front of the other. Google maps tells me the walk took 42 minutes, it felt a lot longer.I arrived at the Uvita Pirates Hostel just before 5pm. Literally on my last legs. I dumped my bags on a picnic table outside and took a seat; I couldn’t move any further just now.

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