What is “Buddhist Recovery” ?

What is Buddhist Recovery with Vince Cullen (Hungry Ghost Retreats & Nalagiri House)

What are the Defining Characteristics of Buddhist Recovery? Disclaimer! “My views and opinions are simply that; views and opinions. They are subject to change over time; and they are not necessarily the Truth.” Kevin Griffin, Noah Levine, Vimalasara and myself each had about 10-minutes to share our thoughts on ‘Buddhist Recovery’. But that’s not enough time! In short, for me, […]

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Buddhist Recovery Summit – October 2017

Vince Cullen at Buddhist Recovery Summit 2017

The Buddhist Recovery Summit (website) The Buddhist Recovery Summit 2017, organized by the Northwest Dharma Association, in conjunction with the Buddhist Recovery Network, was held at Gwinwood Retreat Center in Lacey, Washington on the weekend of October 20-22, 2017. Some of the questions we explored included: What are the defining characteristics of Buddhist recovery? How does Buddhist recovery intersect with the Twelve-Step model? What are […]

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Cold Turkey in a Hot Climate: Detox Treatment at Wat Tham Krabok

Addiction treatment from a unique Buddhist perspective. I wrote the article ‘Cold Turkey in a Hot Climate: Detox Treatment at Wat Tham Krabok‘ for the special ‘Addiction‘ issue of the Buddhist magazine ‘Inquiring Mind‘ in 2010. It seems like a long time ago now but the content is still just as valid today. This special edition of ‘Inquiring Mind’ also […]

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