2017 April – Being Human Retreat at New Life Foundation – Thailand

“I feel much clearer, and more connected to myself. Less afraid of letting myself feel. And generally more loving and accepting of myself, and other people.”
“It gave me the opportunity and the guidance to connect myself. To feel grounded and centred. To learn the power of being kind to myself and to forgive others. I like the structure – I thought it worked well and was a good amount of meditation each day.”
“Not not sure where to share this, but after the ‘Shortcut to Nirvana’ meditation, I wrote this out of my own reflections: Breath, is life. All you will ever need to learn, you can learn by listening to your breath. Noticing its rise and fall, oscillating in movement and stillness. Your breath is the ocean, each wave’s continuous ebb and flow. Your breath is your Heart, beating, rhythmic, pulsing. Your breath is the Sun. Dancing in slow arcs across the sky. Breath is everything. Breath is your teacher. Breath is your guide. Breath is your solace. Breath is your wisdom. Breath is everything you will ever need. Breath is life. Let breath lead, surrendered the breath, and all else will follow.”
“I feel very inspired and more committed to continue on my path of healthy and mindful living and loving.”
[Did the retreat meet any of your expectations…] “Yes, I like the way it was structured, with talks but also with plenty of time for practice and contemplation.”
[I like to retreat because…] “It provided the space to gain more clarity of mind while also opening the heart. The silent day and the environment were helpful.”
“On one of the flags I’ve put the vow not to smoke a cigarette today and I feel the strength to do it. That would be amazing. I feel as though the benefits of the retreat will reveal themselves later. The seed sown will come up when it’s needed, I trust this. So it’s hard to say, the results of this retreat now. I wish you could have committed more this was a learning experience as it was.”
“I expected to be more joyful and peaceful. But my head the body wasn’t in a place to feel this. It doesn’t matter though because it was none the less profound.”
[I like to retreat because…] “Learned about forgiveness, Buddhist stories, Metta, Vince, flags, fellowship.”
“Thank you so much for your tireless and abundant kindness and energy. Even though we were lying down on the floor and being zombies. It is appreciated that you never gave up.”
“Feeling, sad, joyful.”
“Qigong was beautiful, especially when in silence. I really appreciated Vince’s light-heartedness. Concepts which are incongruous with modern language or outlook of the world were minimal.”
“All the components were relevant to my life. The space was well held. Participants were mostly supportive.”
“I feel refreshed and renewed in my practice. It was the ‘reminders’, I needed. I feel part of the Sangha/community and the Dharma is at forefront of my thoughts.”
“It exceeded my expectations. New Life Foundation is an oasis for me and I haven – a place I can check-in to and receive nourishment in every way.”
“Vince is an excellent facilitator/teacher. The community/Sangha and Dharma were the main reasons [I like the retreat]. The overall stay was excellent. It was smooth, seamless and professional.”
“I felt compassionate for my ‘Self’”.
“Relieved, powerful, motivated (vow and hanging the flag was really nice).”
[Did the retreat meet any of your expectations… ] “Yes, the shared meetings were really nice. I didn’t know about those.”
“I feel motivated and humble.”
“I feel stronger, more confident, and a bit more compassionate. I feel more interested in my recovery.”
“My expectations were very vague, so I am glad I didn’t cling to them. I developed a new interest in peace.”
“The retreat aspect was what I liked most. What I took from the teachings proved interesting after staying with it for a few days.”
“It gave me some insights, into self-healing, and the Buddhist teachings.”
“I cannot thank you enough. I’m not the person of yesterday and I do not know who I will be tomorrow, but today I am at peace and learning to forgive myself and forgive others.”
“Vince, your sharing of this gift, you got to change your life has now changed me forever.”
“I’m feeling much happier and stronger. I feel lighter like a load of been taken off my shoulder.”
[Did the retreat meet any of your expectations…) “Yes, I’m very happy and grateful for the work we did on forgiveness.”
“Overall, a wonderful experience, thank you.”
[I like the retreat because…] “It provided such practical and useful tools for mental well-being and was delivered with humour and grace.”
“Am not (yet) craving cigarettes or alcohol. Was able to sit near others who were smoking without craving one myself – a good sign! I feel a little hopeful. I may be able to give both up the good! (I’ve quit both during retreats before but always started again).”
“Excellent! Yes, it certainly met – exceeded – my expectations, only wish there was a little less talking and more silence sitting meditation.”
“Very good retreat! Wonderful. So glad I was able to attend.”
“Vince is very down to earth and approachable.”
“I feel very happy today. I feel calm in my mind and find it easier to have contact with people.”
[Did to retreat meet any of your expectations…] “Yes, it definitely calmed my mind and I enjoyed having so much time to think and meditate, not distracting myself.”
“I learned a lot from it, enjoyed the readings and stories.”
The above comments are taken directly from the feedback forms completed by individuals during this retreat.