2015 August – Being Human Retreat at New Life Foundation – Thailand

“The retreat did bring into focus some past events that I was able to look at again, but with a lesser degree of pain…more objective. I liked the retreat because it is a safe way of looking at issues that can hold people back in life, in a safe and supportive environment. The prayer flags are beautiful, cathartic and it is a very emotional and healthy exercise.”
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“I’ve learned how to forgive myself and use loving-kindness meditation bringing peace and quiet to my mind.”
“I liked it because I have achieved something I wasn’t even aware of. I improved my meditation. I understood and answered a lot of my own questions. I was far out of my comfort zone, and from a deep dark spot I was brought back to the light.”
“My only expectation was to learn how to meditate, but I also learn how to forgive my actions of the past and I decided to take a Sajja.”
“Feeling… optimistic, I’ll be adding mindfulness meditation to my morning routine/ritual.”
“More confidence and trust in practice. The teachings and guidance were clear and organised. I appreciate your sincerity and openness.”
“Feeling… relaxed. Slowed down. Moving more mindfully. Speaking more mindfully. Re-energised. In a bit of a daze really. OK to face the world inspired. Loving myself. I love meditation. I enjoy the guidance. I liked Vince’s insights and general knowledge.”
“Feeling tranquil – I enjoy the pace of the retreat. I like to do retreat because of Vince’s gentle and generous demeanour. Vince made everyone feel welcome and at ease. The pace was perfect – not stressful or overwhelming. Well done! I’m really happy I signed up thank you!”
“Still on a journey of recovery. Gained more insight into ‘suffer > action > suffer’. I feel motivated to continue practising meditation. It made me calm and gave me a sense of understanding my actions and thoughts. Feels like I’m getting more and more to a core understanding.”
“The explanations were extremely well thought out. I appreciated to learn to meditate. I enjoyed the location.”
“I am confident that this retreat has given me more tools to manage any situation of risk. I have more understanding of my relationship with compulsory behaviour, like drugs, alcohol, etc.; of the harm of cause myself and others, and on the way to be free from that. I feel happy that I decided to come to this retreat. The structure and presentation and time management was well organised. I felt motivated as it was clear guidance and organisation.”
“I enjoyed the tea meditation, very good idea!
“I feel better with tools to combat my addictions and problems in life.”
I feel amazing. The last day truly brought everything together. Yes. I feel kinder. I’m so happy this journey is just begun. I’m so grateful. It was a nice and gentle intro to meditating and becoming aware of my inner self. I felt so safe and comfortable. I really think Tuesday and Wednesday are necessary and vital to growth (silent or not).
Feeling good, tired, full on retreat, feel kinder towards myself. I made Sajjas I didn’t know I was going to make. I like to retreat because we learned how to meditate, the morning readings, sharing, practice meditation quite a lot, I made Sajjas, I made friends.
The above comments are taken directly from the feedback forms completed by individuals during this retreat.