14 October 2023 Lima

In search of coffee and ancient ruins

Link to more images at @Kapikoy100
Doesn’t everything die at last, and too soon?
Mary Oliver
Tell me, what is it you plan to do
With your one wild and precious life?
I have no plans for this one full day in Lima. Now that I have had the yellow fever vaccination I can relax today.
The buffet breakfast at the hotel was plentiful and varied. I wasn’t in a hurry, so I took my time and grazed upon all that was to offer. No need to stop for lunch.
Around midday, I checked Google Maps for nearby attractions within walking distance. Lucky for me, the intriguing Huaca Pucllana Site Museum was the top result. It would be perhaps 35 minutes each way.
On the way, I stopped at the popular chain Juan Valdez Café for an OK cup of coffee.
At the Huaca Pucllana Site you have to wait for a tour to start in your language of choice, so I was happy to sit still for 30-minutes until the 2 pm tour was due to commence.
Man Hands on Misery to Man. Once the tour got going, the guide explained that the Inca civilization of Machu Picchu was the last Peruvian civilization. Prior to the Incas there had been 29 other earlier civilizations. All of this Peruvian culture came to an end when the Spanish decided to save the souls and collect the gold of this ancient civilization.
The Huaca Pucllana site was from one of the earlier civilizations. The next 90 minutes were fascinating as we were guided around this huge mud brick built site that is literally in the middle of Lima. Of particular note and interest to me were the small burial chambers where the deceased were placed along with grave goods they would need for the next life.
I have told my sons not to worry about my funeral or burial. I have no wishes or preferences in this respect, so they should keep it simple and cheap. I won’t mind… I won’t exist anymore.
The whole focus of the Buddha’s teachings was to bring the process of ‘rebirth’ to an end. The reason given for rebirth is ‘craving’ for sensuality and the ‘craving’ for continued existence. From my personal perspective, I am confident that this is my one and only life, and that’s enough for me. I have no expectation or desire to do this all over again.
There is no suffering in non-existence.
On my way back to Hotel Libre, I stopped for an early dinner at a Mediterraneo fast food restaurant. Cheap, cheerful and filling,
That’s it for another day.
Budget Costs:
- Hotel Libre (Best Western) €65 per night
- Americano coffee at Juan Valdez Café € 2
- Huaca Pucllana Site Museum including guided tour € 2
- Dinner at Mediterraneo fast food restaurant € 8.50
- Ice Cream at Bembos € 2
Budget Travel Tip: I stayed at the Hotel Libra as it was located in Miraflores and reasonably priced. Importantly it is close to the route of the Airport Bus service, so hopefully saving money on taxis. Also, as a Diamond member of Best Western Hotels I get the option of early Check-in and late Check-out.
Link to more images at @Kapikoy100