2015 January – Being Human Retreat at Sunyata Centre – Ireland


“I feel… A lot more relaxed about my addictions.  I don’t feel the strong compulsions any more.  I feel a small one after the thought but now I understand that my thoughts aren’t permanent, I choose to be kind to myself and can let it go.”


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“I feel… Richer, feel excited.  I liked this retreat because… It evolved into a loving and caring Sangha the kind and lovely teacher.”


“Processing learning about recovery, emotional healing and happiness 🙂
I liked this retreat because… It removed me from normal life to apply myself to the teachings.”


“I feel… Inner peace – very rare for me.  Thank you so much Vince, I owe you one!  Bless!  I aspire to take a general phone with me to aid my early days of alcoholic recovery and I did: the difference between abstinence and abandonment.”


“I liked this retreat because… It gave me a break from the outside world… My body reacted quite severely initially to being kind to myself but that was all part of the process.”


“I’m starting to look at the things I can do instead of focusing on the things I can’t do any more.  I’ve made six promises to myself things are going to do and I get home within a week… Getting away has helped me a lot.  It’s given me a spark and light back that lost through short while.”


“I liked the retreat because… You explain the basics of how to sit, what to do when walking.  I’ve done walking meditation before I came here but merely as an exercise to alleviate pain from sitting meditation.  I have a better understanding of walking meditation and have really enjoyed them in their own right.  I can see a benefit of doing them now.”


“I have been given the resources to quiet my mind and listen to my body.  I’ve had a lot of old memories come to the surface that I have blocked out that I can now sit with the hurt and process it.  Almost overnight have become so much more creative, I feel my thoughts and feelings and intentions become so much kinder.  I know this as when I think of my enemies I feel compassion as if for an infant.”


“I feel so privileged to have attended this retreat.  I’ve met some truly amazing people and it has been beautiful to be able to witness everyone shine, I’m so grateful. Thank you so much!”


“Still struggling from time to time doing better than I have the past.  Feeling pretty positive and happy, looking forward to next year and tried to complete the goals I set for myself.”


“I feel… Definitely less stuck – the Heart practices have loosened things.  I like to this retreat because… There was a great group… A great sense of family.”


The above comments are taken directly from the feedback forms completed by individuals during this retreat.